櫛田桔梗 342108-櫛田桔梗
綾小路Tレックス 作: チームメイト > 6 / 26 櫛田桔梗とかいう悪魔 下 「やべえ、英語は寝落ちして覚えきれてねえ」 須藤の慌てた叫び声が教室中に響き渡る。 あとは英語を残すのみとなり、緩みかけていたクラスの雰囲気がKikyou Kushida (櫛田 桔梗) Birthday January 23 Height 155 cm Zodiac Sign Aquarius BWH /55/ Likes To be able to get along with others even with strangers Dislikes Whenever people don't get along well Usual Place School, cafe, Zelkey mall, dormitory She boasts tremendous popularity among men and women as the D class' idolKikyō in her personal swimsuit 1/3 Kikyō is a teenage girl who is considered highly attractive by the boys in her class and other boys in the school Her trademark is her short beigecolored hair paired with gradient crimson eyes She is also noted for having a 欢迎来到实力至上主义教室 栉田桔梗 哔哩哔哩 櫛田桔梗